For Efficient Business Telephone Systems Courtenay Companies Opt For VoIP

By Catherine Meyer

The modern business environment is highly competitive. Technology such as the internet has opened new markets for all businesses, both big and small. In order to thrive in this difficult environment, businesses not only need to build up a base of loyal clients, but they have to offer superior service. Consumers have more choices than ever before, and they have become sophisticated. Efficient communication is one of the keys to superior service. That is why, when it comes to business telephone systems Courtenay companies are moving to VoIP.

VoIP has been available for a few years, but it never found a ready market initially. The main reason for its slow start is that it requires access to internet internet. In years gone by internet access was not available everywhere and it was often slow and intermittent. All that has changed and internet access is now possible in even the most remote location. This has give VoIP a new boost and a tremendous increase in popularity.

Service providers boast that their clients will save significantly on their communication bills when they switch over. This has certainly proved to be the case and many new users are surprised to find that their monthly bills have been halved. It is therefore understandable that new users site cost savings as their overriding reason for switching, but they quickly discover that there are numerous other advantages too.

One of the biggest drawbacks of a traditional PABX has always been the fact that it chains users to their desks. Calls can be made or received only if the caller is physically present at the place where his extension is installed. This had a devastating effect on productivity. Users were restricted in their movements, calls were missed and messages got lost. VoIP allows users to communicate wherever they are.

Significantly lower monthly communications bills is not the only savings offered by VoIP. It requires only a single central installation, unlike traditional switchboards that required a costly installation in every branch, building or site. VoIP also offers very low maintenance cost, not only because there is just one installation, but also because the platform is hosted by the service provider who is responsible for maintenance and upgrades.

VoIP users can use a wide variety of devices to communicate. Any device that has access to the internet will do and it is not necessary to use the same device all the time. This means that users can communicate wherever they are, using any suitable device available to them. User records are stored in the cloud and this means that all the records of a user is available to him regardless of his location.

Many corporate employees have become used to features such as call holding, call forwarding, voice mail and even limited conference call capabilities. VoIP users still have all these features, but they also enjoy many other features designed to make them more productive. There are voice to fax, voice to email, email to voice and even file transmitting features that further enhances the popularity of internet based communication.

It certainly seems as if the future of telecommunications lies in VoIP. It saves costs, it is efficient and it is versatile. It is easy to use and it truly allows users to be mobile. One will just have to wait and see how this technology will develop in the future.

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