Taking Charge By Understanding Law Of Attraction

By Jeffrey Thompson

The greatest lie about life is regarding how great it is. Existence is an unwieldy, uncaring, unforgiving curse. The great truth about life is how fantastic it can be. Existence is altogether the most rewarding, fulfilling, and altogether most beautiful thing that has ever come into being in the universe. There is nothing quite like, no sensation on the same scale as living, because life is the scale on which all sensations are measured. To reach a greater understanding, to take more control of the most uncontrollable things in all of creation, one must begin understanding Law of Attraction.

There is one secret that everyone can see but many people will not acknowledge. That secret is that the universe and everything therein are constantly vibrating. That vibration affects everything and shapes reality.

The Law of Attraction is a philosophical movement that dates back to the year 1901. It posits that the energy that a person puts out will be the energy that they receive. So, if someone has a bad morning, the rest of the day will not be that much better.

Simply daydreaming about better things does not compel the universe to bring those things into fruition. No, like attracts like and daydreaming is unproductive, it gives out no energy. In order to make something happen, the work has to be put in.

Like attracts like. As such, being positive will attract positive things. Being optimistic on life will in turn give an individual more things to be optimistic about.

Here is the thing about success. The mindset has to be right. When a person has the right mindset, when they put it out in the universe that they are going to succeed, the universe will respond and give them the opportunity to do so.

It is often said that no guts equals no glory. Well, the thing is that it is true. The first creature to ever walk on land must have freaked out, but it did it anyway, and in doing so, set the stage for terrestrial life on the planet. Comfort zones are comfortable, but being growth seldom is.

Take for example a boxer. Instead of seeing their hand raised in victory, they picture themselves taking a solid hook to the jaw and getting knocked out. They then spend so much time avoiding the hook, protecting their jaw that the they fail to defend against the body blow that lands flush on their liver and puts their lights out.

Thinking about what could wrong can blind a person to what could go right. Minds need to be opened to the possibility of better. Pessimism closes the mind off to such a possibility.

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