Rape Doesnt Define Me At All

By Larry Johnson

To write about what happened to you or to talk about things like your rape is not an easy thing to do, you require a lot of courage to do so. It is very hard to deal with this situation and getting out from this problem is almost impossible and yet it was the most horrible thing ever happened but still you should always remember that rape doesnt define me

Its not a good thing to live your life in fear and just keep regretting why such thing happened to you. There is possibility that everything would get better provided you are willing to change your life for good.

This is a genuine story of a young lady and after that episode she began abstaining from going in grounds eating corridors and rec center since that individual used to be there and she needed to stay away from him as much as she could. Her life was simply spinning around how to maintain a strategic distance from that assaulter and she began to bargain her timetables and quality in light of that individual. After she got assaulted she was not able trust men around her.

In the beginning she started avoiding to go to university and she used to hide here and there so she cannot face that person and tried to avoid going in dining halls and gym because he used to be over there. It was kind of like a hide and seek game for a couple of months.

There was a time when she cut off from the outer world and it was that time when she realized she has to get back to normal life and all of this should get ended now. Because you cannot give anyone permission to take control over you life and make it worse for you.

That young lady started setting off to the spots she was maintaining a strategic distance from previously and chose to go to exercise center where he used to come and after that began confronting that individual instead of fleeing from that place since she needed to demonstrate to him that she's sufficiently solid and can manage this circumstance. All these little advances were extremely useful for her to recover her life on track.

Till this day, there are people who want to keep this topic hushed away and they think if such problem comes out in open, it will not be a good thing. The fact its, with time people are becoming more intelligent and they like talking about problems and issues so you should try to contribute as much as you can.

One you get that realization, there re lots of thing that you can do and one of them is to start helping as many people as possible who have gone through the same tragedy. It is a traumatic situation but you have to keep yourself together and get over it as soon as your can. All you need is to build trust within yourself and you should take a stand for yourself and things will get better with time rape and i can say that my rape doesn't define me.

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