Hints For Hosting A Houston Caricature Artist For Your Special Event

By Sharon Cook

For people who love to entertain, there is nothing better than coming up with new ways to surprise and delight guests. If you are planning a special event, you probably have already made arrangements for the clowns, band, or disc jockey. Since these are performers guests have come to expect, you could do something unexpected like hiring a Houston caricature artist to create memorable portraits your guests can take home with them.

If this is your first experience with one of these artists, there are some things you need to consider to make the job easier and more successful. These suggestions come from experienced party portraitists. If you are planning an outdoor event, make sure you place the portrait station in a shady spot. Guests don't want to sit in the sun and bake while having their pictures done, and the artist will have to stop work frequently to cool off.

The station should also be a little bit out of the way, in a quiet spot where the guests posing and the drawer can have a conversation. Successful caricatures say a lot about the personality of each person portrayed. In order to get a sense of your guests, the artist will want to talk about their hobbies or favorite celebrities. A spot by the DJ or band will make that impossible.

It takes a little time to create a caricature. You don't want guests standing in a long line waiting for their turn at the chair. If you are hosting a small event, you could give everyone a number and call it out when the artist is ready to begin their portrait. Keeping a small line behind the drawer, at a large event, will usually work.

If your event has a theme, and your guests want their pictures drawn in some specific costumes or with a sports mascot, providing the portraitist with a picture of a mascot or costume will be extremely helpful. Most professional artists, who do this type of work, try to stay current, but having a reference to go by will make the final product more specific and satisfying.

Artists really appreciate the hosts who remember to bring them refreshments periodically as they are drawing. Liquid refreshments are especially helpful. They keep the drawer from getting a dry mouth from talking to all the guests and from getting dehydrated in warm weather. It's a good idea to ask guests to leave their plates at their tables instead of taking them into the portrait area however.

To make sure you don't blow the budget, you need to know beforehand what the caricature drawer is going to charge. It probably isn't as much as you anticipated. Most charge anywhere from seventy-five dollars to a hundred twenty-five dollars per hour. The price will go up if you have specific requirements.

Some people are better at giving parties than others. They enjoy the time spent preparing decorations, food, and entertainment. Finding new and interesting ways to amuse their guests makes the process even more enjoyable.

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