Making A Feature Of Contemporary Art Displays

By Karen Fisher

When it comes to buying and showing off art within a home, whatever is purchased is based completely on individual taste as art is very subjective. The contemporary art displays one would see in a gallery are not necessarily going to work within a family home. Personal taste will play a very big role, as well as budget.

Family photos, including those handed down through the years, can make a lovely art installation within a home. With the advanced technology available to us, it is really easy to take even the most worn and damaged photos and have them touched up and restored to look practically new.

Use the area of wall in your casual living room to create a wall of photographs that will tie the decor together and make the room feel more homely. You will need to start planning the layout ahead as once the frames are fitted they should be complementary to the overall look and feel of the room.

One way to set up the installation, is to find photo frames that do not necessarily match in size and shape or color and start collecting them. Look at thrift shops and garage sales as well as your local home supply company. The result will be a mismatched, eclectic visual, with the focus being on the layout and the pictures within.

Working with frames that are of a variety of shapes and sizes means that a fair amount of planning is required. Start by editing your digital pictures and finding a common theme or color or changing them to all be black and white. Once the pictures all follow a theme and they are in their frames, set them out on the floor into the shape you have chosen. You may find that you have to move them around several times before they are ready to hang but it is worth the effort.

If you opt for matching your frames, the layout will be a lot easier to do. Pick bold black frames and set them out in a formal pattern with identical spacing between every picture for an aesthetically pleasing result. They could be in three rows of five frames or keep to a square of four rows of four frames. With a monochromatic frame plan, keep your photos in color for the best result.

Another way to set up a wall of personal photographs is to select a particular theme for the pictures. It's probably wise to stay away from filling the frames with one particular event such as a wedding or a Christmas party. Look at scenery or wildlife pictures that were taken on family holidays, and consider framing the best of them. This kind of collection can be expanded and updated over many years.

This personal show of family moments and memorabilia is a deeply personal display for a home. It is individual to your family as well as showing off special moments and family members. The finished product will bring the room together in a very inviting and warm manner.

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