Discovering The Beauty Of Ethically Produced Children's Clothing In Houston Texas

By Clinton Arnhold

Parents shopping for their youngsters clothes are often frustrated by how much even simple play clothes cost. Looking for good children's clothing in Houston Texas and other metropolitan areas can be as difficult as less populated places.

Some large companies choose to take their clothes production to parts of the world where they can get the cheapest labor. They are not concerned about the quality of the workmanship or materials. This often results in inferior products that may or may not be brand names.

Ethical clothing can be hard to find - but it is well worth it. Natural textiles are often better for your child's skin than synthetics - and these days they are not harder to care for and can, in fact, be machine washable and tumble dryer okay.

Cotton material is wonderful to wear and easy to maintain, but many times it contains small amounts of pesticide that are not eliminated during processing. Cotton fumes can cause problems for those who work in the fields and in the factories as well. Buying organic will avoid these drawbacks. You will be helping the environment and encouraging better working conditions.

The other label to look at for ethical fashion is fair trade. Fair trade guarantees a minimum price for cotton producers and for textile workers who weave and dye the fabric. Fair trade production comes with respect for everyone involved in the process and helps ensure that the clothes were not made by underpaid, overworked "sweatshop" workers.

Purchasing clothes ethically made with organic materials does not have to be extremely expensive. They are generally better made and last longer than their cheaper counterparts. When you buy these types of clothes you will know you are contributing to the global fair trade market and helping workers in lesser developed countries. Your youngsters will benefit from your purchases as well by having comfortable clothes meant to be played in and enjoyed.

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