The Best Way To Handle A Motivational Keynote Speaker

By Christine Price

The pinnacle of every conference is the address by the invited guest. This speech makes a conference memorable by either setting the tone or crystallizing the theme. A motivational keynote speaker provides the signature address that defines the success or failure of a conference. How best do you handle the guest so that the address becomes successful?

Every conference has a unique theme and set up. The audience has particular expectations based on composition and purpose of congregating. As such, you should identify a guest who can deliver to these expectations. Such a person must command authority and be regarded in high esteem by the participants. This is the only way his or her speech will have an impact on participants.

A guest who withdraws or feels like an appendix of a conference will not deliver to your expectations. You need to brief the speaker in advance to enable him prepare the right content for the theme and participants. Guests should understand the journeys of participants and have personal encounters with them. It is from understanding their challenges that you can lift them through motivation.

Speakers have addressed other conferences and gatherings in the past. Each speaker also has a unique style and specialization. Most have written books and produced videos, among other materials. The guest must be made aware of the need to tailor the materials being used to suit the audience. You will avoid a scenario where guests use your conference to advance personal courses.

Motivation is about engaging with the audience and understanding their needs. It is therefore important for guests to interrogate the daily lives of participants to decide on the entry points. It is impossible for someone to motivate a person whose life he or she does not understand. It may therefore help to spend some time with the participants in order to understand their needs and life.

Conferences are not about guests. They are about the lives and needs of participants. A speaker should therefore avoid popping in and out of a conference. Engage the participants before delivering the speech. Listen to their deliberations and concerns. Share personal stories as well to leave a lasting impression in the lives of participants. Your guest must display passion in the life of participants and the organization in general.

Before engaging any speaker, you must agree on the fees, deposit payment and any other revenue arising from the meeting. The price tag for some speakers is very high. Others charge a reasonable amount on condition that they will sell their merchandise at the conference. These are some of the details to be discussed before entering into any contract.

Speakers ignite the mood of conferences but must never be allowed to overshadow the main theme or purpose of the conference. The engagements must be negotiated without forcing your guest to get out of character or allowing him to take over the meeting and run his own agenda. All activities and engagements must be geared towards lifting the spirits of participants.

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